
Cancer prevention by addressing the root causes of cancer
Cancer prevention by addressing the root causes of cancer

We all know that hearing a painful news of a loved one suffering from cancer or being diagnosed to be suffering from cancer can be shattering!

It certainly is scary because there is so far no miracle cure for this disease.

However let me assure you, there is certainly a way to prevent this disease from occurring in your body, and if already diagnosed one can certainly work towards removing the existing threats and controlling the growth of cancer.

We all know that hearing a painful news of a loved one suffering from cancer or being diagnosed to be suffering from cancer can be shattering!

It certainly is scary because there is so far no miracle cure for this disease.

However let me assure you, there is certainly a way to prevent this disease from occurring in your body, and if already diagnosed one can certainly work towards removing the existing threats and controlling the growth of cancer.

Fortunately cancer is preventable and all underlying causes of cancer can be reversed with a proactive and preventive health care approach:

Why does cancer form?

Free radical damage or oxidative stress due to inflammation is the root cause of cancer formation.

What are the causes of excessive free radical formation and oxidative damage which leads to chronic inflammation?

  1. Nutrient poor diet, full of chemicals preservatives having empty calories, high sugar and inflammatory carbohydrates
  2. Persistent inhalation/ application of pollutants, accumulation of heavy metals, leads to choking of detoxification pathways and therefore retention of these toxins which burdens the metabolism further and reduces oxygenation of the cells.
  3.  Chronic persistent stress, leads to compromised immune system , therefore body’s own defense is severely compromised.
  4. Infectious agents harboring in the body as chronic infection and unnoticed , un-diagnosed can lead to tumor formations.
  5. Nil or minimal physical activity, leads to stagnant lymphatic system which helps in detoxification.

What can be done?

  1. Eat Nutrient rich plant based, chemical free, real food, avoid all processed food and food with preservatives,Identify specific nutritional deficiencies and supplement them.
  2. Increase physical activity
  3. Work on changing thoughts and reaction to stressful life events.
  4. Adopt regular systemic detox therapies, with Ozone, Glutathione, NAC etc.
  5. Maintain optimum level of Vitamin D (70-90)
  6. Anti inflammatory supplements such as curcumin, Crill oil, Bromelain etc.
  7. Heal the gut , all cancers and autoimmune diseases arise from gut, balancing the gut flora is crucial to prevent onset of these diseases, reduce exposure to food with preservatives and intolerant foods such as Lactose & Gluten, add probiotic rich food such as Kimchhi, yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles etc.
  8. Boost immune health by practicing yoga meditations and involve in happy activities.
  9. Colon cleansing and avoid constipation
  10. Restrict sugar and limit carbohydrate intake

Dr Kalpana Shekhawat M.D.

Functional Medicine Specialist.


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